Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why I love Art History: Wittkower on Caravaggio

Narcissus c.1597
“There is in his work a contrast between the tangibility of figures and objects and the irrational devices of light and space; between meticulous study from the model and disregard for representational logic and coherence; there is a contrast between his ad hoc technique and his insistence on solid form; between sensitivity and brutality.  His sudden changes from a delicacy and tenderness of feeling to unspeakable horror seem to reflect his unbalanced personality, oscillating between narcissism and sadism.  He is capable of dramatic clamour as well as of utter silence.  He violently rejects tradition but is tied to it in a hundred ways.  He abhors the trimmings of orthodoxy and is adamant in disclaiming the notion that supernatural powers overtly direct human affairs, but brings the beholder face to face with the experience of the supernatural.  But when all is said and done, his types chosen from the common people, his magic realism and light reveal his passionate belief that it was the simple in spirit, the humble and the poor who held the mysteries of faith fast within their souls.”


  1. Hi Jenny,

    I am SO excited that you are in Italy, and really jealous, too!! I totally LOVE Caravaggio (and Vermeer). Saw the post on your FB, so now I will be following your new adventures!!



  2. Hey Thanks Caryn! I'm glad we share this interest in Art History! There's so much to see here in Italy, it's amazing! I'll share more soon!

    Thanks for following!



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